Tuesday, April 20, 2010

50% Off Plants and Flowers at Garden District

Deal Location
1740 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Garden District
$30 to Spend on Garden Supplies
$ 15 buy now

Green has been the new black for years. Let's step things up a notch this season by doing more than just turning off lights and unplugging devices. It's time to plant some trees... and flowers. Shovel over $15 and get $30 worth of greenery and garden goodies at green-thumb-approved Garden District. To put this into perennial perspective, $30 will buy a full flat of flowers. This 14th Street soil store just snagged the top spot for "Best Garden Shop 2010" in the City Paper for the third year in a row and is even offering $50 rebates for buying trees and planting them in the city. There's no better time to get to digging with help from these pros. After all, it's been said that April showers bring May flowers, so grab that trowel.

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